Effect of Online Health Promotion on Tuberculosis Patients' Knowledge and Satisfaction in Salatiga


  • Fiane de Fretes FKIK UKSW
  • Mita Prahesti




Online Health Promotion; Patient Knowledge; Patient Satisfaction


Health promotion in Tuberculosis (TB) patients is crucial so that patients know about TB treatment, side effects, and prevention of transmission. This information prevents the spread of disease and the risk of patients stopping a medication. Health promotion is usually done directly to the patient when the patient carries out health checks. However, during this pandemic, the health promotion process did not go well. In this situation, tuberculosis patient care takes advantage of existing communication technology advances to maintain service quality and prevent an increase in tuberculosis deaths in the future. The purpose of this study was to find out about the knowledge of TB patients and determine patient satisfaction in getting information through online health promotion using video conferencing via social media WhatsApp. The method used is Pre-Experiment with pre-test and post-test designs. The sampling technique in this study is total sampling. The data analysis technique uses the t-test to analyze the effect of the independent and dependent variables. Data collection used a questionnaire, namely written questions in the form of multiple choices and a checklist to determine patient knowledge about tuberculosis treatment and patient satisfaction after being given online health promotion. Based on the research results and conclusions, it can be concluded that there is an effect of online health promotion on the knowledge and satisfaction of TB patients at BKPM Salatiga. The results of the knowledge variable show that there are differences in the value of knowledge. The knowledge value during the Pre-test was 38.036 and the Post-test with a value of 55.430 after being given health promotion, which means that TB patients understand the health promotion given. The results of the variables knowledge and satisfaction show that the average value of knowledge after being given an intervention is 9.333 and the value of respondents' satisfaction in using online health promotion media after being given health promotion is 20.667 with a significant value <0.05 meaning that social media has a significant relationship with TB prevention efforts.


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How to Cite

de Fretes, F., & Prahesti, M. (2023). Effect of Online Health Promotion on Tuberculosis Patients’ Knowledge and Satisfaction in Salatiga. Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Medikal Bedah, 6(2), 98–103. https://doi.org/10.32584/jikmb.v6i2.2474